Endometriosis, PCOS + Your Skin

Endometriosis and PCOS are two conditions we hear about regularly in the clinic. As they involve hormonal changes, they can cause a range of skin ailments, including acne, inflammation and sensitivity.

Today we will explain how these conditions can affect the skin and some of our most common treatment protocols. 

The Conditions

Endometriosis is a condition that affects an estimated 1 in 10 women (that's about 200 million women worldwide).⁠ It can cause uterine lining cells (endometrium) to grow outside of your uterus. While the cause of this is largely unknown, factors may include family history, retrograde (backwards) menstruation, and metaplasia (cell changes). 

Symptoms include pain with periods and ovulation, pain during or after sex, changes in bowel or bladder habits, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. Many of these hormonal changes can also lead to skin concerns such as inflammation, acne, congestion and sensitivity. ⁠

PCOS is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Again, the cause of polycystic ovary syndrome isn't well understood but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms include menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne and weight issues.

Many women can have endometriosis and PCOS at the same time. In fact, a 2015 study found that women with PCOS are more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis (via Healthline). Therefore, finding ways to manage the side effects can be key to maintaining health and wellbeing.  


Common Treatments

Just like all journeys at St. Skin, we begin treating skin conditions associated with women's health concerns by healing from the inside.⁠

Generally, women dealing with these conditions will have difficulty regulating insulin, which can delay healing. This often leads to inflammation throughout the body and more reactive skin.⁠ The first step is to support skin healing and reduce inflammation before we begin treating other concerns such as acne and congestion. ⁠

We often begin with a course of Skin Defense supplements to support hormone and liver health. It is formulated to help detox the skin and clear hormone-triggered blemishes. It also helps the body process toxins that affect sleep, fertility, menstruation, migraines, and other imbalances. ⁠

Skin Clarifier is also beneficial to help with inflammation by clearing waste. It promotes gut health and supports the removal of digestive toxins to decrease congestion and clear skin of blemishes, blackheads, and irritation.⁠

We also recommend the Propaira Skin Force supplement as they have high levels of zinc which support skin healing. They are a great option for all clients, but particularly those dealing with inflammatory conditions. 

EFAs are also one of our core supplements that we recommend to most clients. They help to increase water levels and reduce inflammation, which helps with congestion, acne and sensitivity. We recommend the DMK EFA Ultra.

Once we have reduced inflammation internally, we can begin treating the skin topically. Generally, our initial treatment plan will include a series of LED Light Therapy and Enzyme Therapy to assist in healing and strengthening the skin. This will ensure it is functioning optimally and is able to tolerate more intensive treatments. 

As skin health improves, we can introduce treatments to target acne, scarring, hair growth, pigmentation or other concerns. Some of our favourite options are:


• Targeted light reverses the signs of photo-aging by prompting the skin to heal itself⁠

Laser Toning⁠

• Improves the appearance of sun and age spots, fine lines and acne scarring through cell regeneration

Resurfacing Laser⁠

• Uncovers pristine skin by eliminating scars, pigmentation, wrinkles and even enlarged pores⁠

Infini RF ⁠

• Goes beneath the surface to improve texture and elasticity while reducing redness, discolouration and scarring⁠

These advanced treatments use medical-grade technology to deliver complete skin rejuvenation. Preparation is essential in achieving positive outcomes. Our team can guide you through an internal wellness and skin journey to help improve the health and functioning of your skin. ⁠


Next Steps

While we are passionate about skin health, there are some conditions we may need some assistance to treat. We have allied health services such as naturopaths we can refer clients to who may need some extra guidance to heal.⁠ 

We encourage anyone dealing with hormone-related skin concerns to book a Complete Skin Wellness Experience. Come and see our team and let us support you on your skin journey!