St.Skin - Melbourne

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Healing Skin Internally

When we talk about holistic skin health and beauty, we mean encompassing beauty from within and without. We aim to heal the inside to reflect the outside. 

Topical products and treatments are just external variables in the formula to achieving healthier skin; the more obvious ones (if we might add). There are a lot more INTERNAL variables that make up the healthy skin equation: 

  • Getting enough sleep 

  • Minimising stress levels 

  • Absorbing sufficient vitamins and nutrients

  • Getting the proper diet and exercise

  • Keeping hormones in check 

Sometimes our busy lives get ahead of us and the most common thing to be sidelined is our internal health. Here is where we believe supplements come in. 

Supplements are meant to just help us when we are poor in time or simply just need extra help. Perhaps you’re not consuming your recommended amount of nutrients, or you need a little gut cleanse, or maybe even a little assistance clearing out oestrogen toxins. 

We want to share with you a few of our favourite ones that we recommend to our lovely clients!

As always, it’s important to be completely transparent with us. If you’re trying to conceive, are pregnant or are breastfeeding, we will alter your treatment plan accordingly. Here’s to your amazing journey into motherhood! We look forward to being a part of your experience and maintaining healthy skin every step of the way.

Osmosis Digestive Support (formerly Complete) 

This supplement contains pancreatic enzymes that match our own. It helps promote effortless digestion through aiding in the breakdown of dairy, fats, proteins, and carbs. It helps to enhance nutrient absorption, increase energy, and reduce toxicity for a healthy gut and clear skin. 

Maryan’s Tip: “I take this after every one of my main meals as it keeps me from feeling bloated!”

Osmosis Skin Defense (formerly Environmental Detox) 

This supplement helps ward off daily environmental toxins. Its ingredients (DIM & Activated Charcoal) bind to and remove heavy metals, oestrogen toxins, pesticides, plastics, and food preservatives. It aims to restore hormone balance, clear acne, and strengthen the immune system. 

Maryan’s Tip: “I take this every morning, before breakfast on an empty stomach. We recommend speaking with your GP and doing more research about taking DIM before you try it.” 

Osmosis Skin Clarifier (formerly Pathway 10-Day Cleanse) 

Skin Clarifier is the perfect 10-day cleanse for when your gut just needs to hit that restart button. It contains various herbs designed to cleanse the digestive tract (especially the colon) and break down mucus throughout the body. This is ideal for clients with blemishes, blackheads, and irritation who aim for clearer skin. 

Maryan’s Tip: “The capsules may be broken and added into smoothies. For best results, it’s best to refrain from inflammatory foods (i.e. dairy, fried foods, coffee, etc) during the duration of the cleanse. If your first round of the cleanse was successful and want to do it again, we suggest waiting 2+ weeks before starting over as to not shock the gut!” 

Propaira Skin Force (Nicotinamide & Zinc) 

This supplement contains two powerful ingredients that have been proven beneficial for various skin conditions. 

Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) has anti-inflammatory properties that is used to improve acne by reducing its sebum, improve the skin barrier function by increasing hydration, improve the complexion by evening out pigmentation and redness of ageing skin. 

Zinc is an essential nutrient that we can only consume via food or supplements because our bodies naturally can’t produce it. It helps boost our immune system, speed up wound healing process, reduce inflammation as well as growth of the P. acne bacteria. 

Maryan’s Tip: “I take this with every meal.” 

Improving our internal health is crucial to not only our skin’s health, but our overall health! Our bodies crave homeostasis or balance. Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, rosacea, etc. are the result of an imbalance within ourselves. 

Getting your internals in check is more than self-care. It’s self-keeping... and beneficial long term! 

Visit the expert team at St. Skin today to find out more about the link between your internal wellbeing and skin. Tap the button below or call us on (03) 9614 0400.