Clinical Micro-Needling vs. Home Derma Rolling

Skin Needling is one of the most popular clinical treatments, able to treat a wide range of skin concerns. As this is an advanced treatment, less invasive home alternatives, such as derma rolling, are becoming increasingly popular. In this blog, we compare the two to help you make an informed decision about your skin needs!


Micro-needling is an advanced in-clinic treatment designed to improve the texture of your skin, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, fade pigmentation and uneven skin tone, treat acne scars and fight superficial congestion through assisting in exfoliation of the skin. It stimulates new blood flow due to the controlled inflammation being caused and stimulates collagen and elastin production.

Micro-needling works by creating tiny micro punctures/injuries in the skin in a controlled manner, to cause physical trauma. This trauma prompts the deeper layer of skin to rebuild.

It may also help address many other skin-related complaints, including;

  • Acne

  • Alopecia/hair growth

  • Stretch marks

  • Rosacea

  • Skin laxity 

It is a coveted treatment due to the amazing results it gives. However, choosing a clinician that is educated, trained and experienced in being able to perform this treatment whilst maintaining the integrity of your skin is key to these results. If you are needling incorrectly or beyond the point required to stimulate collagen, you can cause damage such as ruptured capillaries. If needling is too shallow, it won't have any effect on scarring. Your clinician will find a balance for each individual case to ensure the desired outcome!

Benefits of clinical needling include:

  • Ability to control safety, penetration and depth of the needles.

  • Ability to provide a sterile clean environment.

  • Single-use consumables, avoiding blunt application.

  • Ability to provide cosmeceutical skincare designed to be used in conjunction with needling, and

  • Ability to focus on collagen induction therapy.


Derma Rolling 

By now you have probably started to notice the sale of a wide variety of home skin needling or rolling devices on the internet and even in the clinics you go into. While these can be used in between treatments, the results we achieve in-clinic are far superior and minimize the risk of any damage to your skin. 

Some of the risks of home micro-needling are: 

  • Infections from bacteria. 

  • Prolonged inflammation from micro-tearing.

  • Exacerbation of skin concerns, like scarring, acne and hyperpigmentation, and 

  • Adverse reactions to topical products used during or after micro-needling.

If you choose to perform derma rolling at home, we encourage you to do so under the strict guidance of your skin clinician.


Micro-Needling at St. Skin

At St. Skin, our team undergoes regular rigorous training to ensure our knowledge, techniques and technology are up-to-date. This allows us to achieve amazing results for our clients and for them to enjoy a comfortable experience. 

If you’re considering clinical micro-needling, you may be wondering what to expect.  

As for the most common question… Does skin needling hurt? The answer no, it should not be painful! Numbing cream is applied to the treatment area prior to commencing. While this reduces discomfort, there is still some sensation. Most clients describe this as similar to that of mild sunburn or stinging. However, the treatment itself should be bearable pain-wise due to the numbing cream.

After the treatment, the mild sunburn sensation may continue. There will be some redness and a little swelling present. Pinpoint bleeding or purpura can sometimes be experienced as well. Other common side effects can be a histamine response, presenting with itchiness or small bumps. This can be experienced for up to 72 hours post-treatment.

While you should see improvements in your skin tone and texture after just one treatment, a series is recommended to target specific concerns. Micro-needling should be performed every 3-6 weeks depending on the skin concern present. 

If you are interested in exploring your treatment options, you can view our menu here.

In the meantime, we also offer online skin consultations to help get your skin on track while you are unable to visit the clinic.

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