Intensive Treatments for Winter

If you are already enjoying regular treatments, winter can be a great time to increase their intensity for improved results. Many of our advanced treatments can be performed more safely when the risk of sun exposure is lower. UV rays and heat within the skin are usually best avoided in the days leading up to and following your skin treatment, as your skin will be more sensitive. 

It is important to understand that the more intense the treatment is, the more important skin preparation is. Often LED, low-moderate strength peels and enzyme therapy will be recommended prior to ensure your skin is strong and healthy. This reduces the risk of any damage to the skin as we know what your skin can safely tolerate.

So if you are prepped and ready to take your treatments to the next level, here are some of our most popular options!



Winter is the perfect time to get pigmentation, melasma and sun spots concerns under control before next summer. If you are looking for advanced results quickly, Cosmelan may be a suitable treatment. 

Cosmelan is the world leading pigment reduction system that has an intensive correction action on the skin whilst simultaneously regulating the overproduction of melanin from melanocytes, inhibiting and controlling the appearance of new pigment. The treatment involves a two step process consisting of an in-clinic intensive mask followed by a strict home care regime which must be adhered to for maximum results

This treatment is particularly useful for melasma and other hormonal pigmentation conditions. These are often the most difficult to control due to internal factors triggering melanocytes that can cause irregular flare ups. 

Given the volatile nature of this condition, often heat-inducing treatments need to be avoided as they can stimulate melanin production. This type of pigment also sits deep within the dermis, meaning surface treatments such as chemical peels or needling may be ineffective or take significantly longer to improve skin tone. In contrast, Cosmelan is able to safely remove surface pigmentation in a single treatment, as well as prevent it from recurring, making it a great option for anyone concerned with skin discolouration. 


Fine lines and wrinkles

Looking to slow the signs of ageing? Sun exposure, ageing, acne, pigmentation and other factors can leave your face with blemishes, lines, or wrinkles. IPL and Laser will help you achieve a healthier and more youthful complexion. This treatment promotes the replacement of old, tired skin cells with fresh, new ones. It can be performed as a standalone treatment or form part of a multi-faceted course of skin revitalisation.

For ageing skin, Photo Rejuvenation is generally recommended. Photo Rejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment performed with medical-grade Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology. Targeted light reverses the signs of photo-ageing by prompting the skin to heal itself. 

We employ a range of Laser and IPL technology that can assist in the treatment of lines and wrinkles, allowing for customisable results. Often a series of 2-10 treatments is recommended to help you achieve visible improvements in skin ageing. Depending on the treatment type, down time can vary from none or minimal downtime to 14 days.

To discover whether light-based treatments are suitable for your skin type, we recommend booking a skin consultation with our team of dermal therapists.  



One of our most popular treatments for scarring (including acne scarring) is performed using the Venus Vivaâ„¢ technology. This non-surgical solution for skin resurfacing corrects signs of skin damage and improves the appearance of acne scars and other scars, as well as stretch marks, rosacea, enlarged pores, deep wrinkles, and pigmentation.

This safe skin rejuvenation method utilises NanoFractional Radio Frequency technology, precisely heating the dermis which creates an injury in the skin. The body’s healing response is then stimulated to create more collagen, promoting rejuvenation.

In the past, CO2 lasers were often the most popular choice for skin rejuvenation. However, they also involved significant pain and downtime that could last several weeks. Fortunately, Venus Vivaâ„¢ skin resurfacing treatments deliver incredible results - with less pain and downtime! The treatment intensity can be customised depending on your downtime availability and how quickly you are looking to achieve results.

This technology is also safe for all skin tones making it a great option for a wide range of clients.


General Skin Rejuvenation 

Skin needling is a great option for anyone looking for general skin rejuvenation. This hero-treatment is a favorite amongst clients and therapists alike for its ability to treat multiple concerns simultaneously. 

This minimally invasive treatment is clinically proven as one of the most successful treatments available for common signs of ageing such as wrinkles, loss of skin volume, and crepey skin. It can also assist to minimize scars, stretch marks, and pigmentation and improve general skin tone and texture.

Skin needling works by creating controlled, micro wounds within the skin. This process triggers the body’s natural healing response, encouraging collagen and elastin production, cellular regeneration and skin thickening. Clients are able to see immediate results with collagen production formulating 6 weeks post-treatment and continuing overtime. Depending on the treatment area, we usually recommend 4-6 treatments to achieve their best results.

For those wanting a little more, we also offer Infini RF Micro-Needling. This device uses precisely delivered radiofrequency through insulated microneedles to improve skin texture, tighten skin, reverse sun damage, correct some pigmentation problems and help reduce acne scarring. You can find out more here


To curate your intensive winter treatment plan, we recommend booking a skin consultation with our team. We offer complete skin wellness consults for new clients, as well as complimentary skin health reviews for existing clients. You can also discover our full range of treatments here.

For any inquiries, simply get in touch with our team by calling 9614 0400 or emailing