COVID-19 Updates

So, we've got some things to tell you...⁠ We're going but not gone!

The last few weeks have been tricky for everyone. While we tried to negotiate our lease, our naughty landlord wouldn't come to the party (we know, how rude!).

So the living arrangements for our little clinic will be changing..⁠ We’ve packed up our things and are on the hunt for a greener pasture!


Don't be sad (we aren't), we promise we'll be back with you as soon as restrictions are lifted! St. Skin may be a pop-up shop for a little while and we're currently looking for a central new home for our biz too. 

We've also got LOTS coming to help glow at-home, including:

  • Online consultations and skin reviews 

  • Lots of blogs and educational content, 

  • Expanding our online store

  • Setting up a loyalty program for all purchases made during this time 

  • And, of course, at-home facial kits!⁠

It's been a huge few weeks but we are so excited about what the future holds and to bring you lots of new goodies and a fresh, new space when we reopen!⁠

In the meantime thank you, as always, for your love and support! You guys mean the world to us. 

If you have any questions about your skin or products, or just want to say hello, feel free to slide into our DMs on Instagram or send an email to

Don’t forget to sign up to our mailing list too (at the bottom of our homepage) to be sure you’re the first to hear about all of our updates! 

We’ll speak to you soon x

St. Skin